But DOS really pushed me because, let me tell you once again, because the game looses your time in its own design. You will not hear from me likely as I am not drawn into this and mostly read good guides without saying anything and just play the game. Intentional at that, highly insulting to a player. Insult to the gamers respect of time is what that game is. So I am at crossroads here, Witcher or DS3.
But I never finished DS 3, only tried it to the second town. I played 1 and 2 loved them long ago, then I started this dark souls series, played it so much last couple of years. Hm, I think this is where I am going next. Then came games like withcer 3, true successor to piranha bytes, the old kings of 3d rpg. They were doing amazing stuff in quality gameplay. I miss this talented studio coming back with the real stuff. It was a fail of course to rpg elements but a profit to their sales division.Bioware also made a big hit with ME. It is uncertain what happened there really but consensus is that they tried to xbox console the game. Havent touched 3 but 2 is bad essed with it, imported my charater from one etc.
And I think it costs 7 bucks for ultimate edition. So without any kind of opposition I recommend you DAO. But it is because they are all DAO fans themselves.